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Comments on the Role of Girl Guides during the war by Miss Liddell

Newspaper article reporting Miss Liddell's comments on the role of Girl Guides during the war

Miss Liddell, at the conclusion of presenting the badges said it gave her great pleasure to be there that day to open the sale and to hear that the Hawthorn company was the first to be started in Durham, and that from their example the movement had spread all over the county. It was a great thing to have done, but it must also involve a great deal of responsibility as the other companies would all look to the Hawthorn as their pattern. Proceeding she now said we were face to face with the greatest danger which had ever threatened our country, and England expected not only every man and woman, but every girl to do her duty. They would all be called upon, no matter what station in life they belonged to, to make sacrifices, and must do their best to help each other, and it was now that the Girl Guides would have an opportunity to prove their usefulness. They must be prepared for all emergencies, and they would probably be able to do an amount of good never dreamed of. She understood that the proceeds of the sale would go towards buying bandages and things necessary at this crisis, so that they could all help that day and feel they could do something already. By emptying stalls they would show their best thanks to Miss Pemberton for all her trouble and time she had taken in making the company efficient. She had great pleasure in declaring the sale open and wished it every success (Applause).

On the motion of Miss Ellie Pemberton, seconded by Miss Sarah Urwin, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Miss Liddell.

Date: Aug-1914

Author: Unidentified newspaper

Where to find this: From a scrapbook kindly loaned by the archives of Girl Guiding Durham North

Contributed by Fiona Johnson - Durham

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